Sunday, December 30, 2007

Mara's next tooth

You will have to forgive my lack of dental knowledge. If I knew the technical term for which tooth Mara lost I would try to sound all smart like and tell you, but I'm not all smart like so I'll just call it the tooth to the right of her big front tooth. Not that her front tooth is big or even bigger than it is supposed to be, but its big in that it is an adult tooth. (Although Mara is not yet an Adult so I am not certain how that really works.)

In the morning Mara comes and shows me a hole in her tooth. I am thinking, "great she has a cavity big enough to much is that going cost?" But then she shows me and I realize the hole is under her tooth as she moves it around with her tongue. Then later that day we were playing Mario Party 8 with her friend Luke (lives next door) and in the middle of a challenge she turns to me, tooth now in hand, and tells me she just lost her tooth. Apparently, she was chewing on a vitamin while we were playing and that is what knocked the tooth the rest of the way out.

To make tooth loosing matters more interesting, Mara didn't put the tooth under her pillow. Instead, she hid it from everyone, including the tooth fairy, so that she could take it to school and get a little plastic tooth holder her teacher gives out when students loose teeth at school. We let her do this one time before and it led to her wearing her tooth to Awana, loosing her tooth and me making an extra trip to church to look for her tooth...which I found (thank you)! So, her tooth is now under her if the tooth fair doesn't forget, she'll have a couple shiny quarters in the morning. Check out this new video.

Mara and Shea Ballet

Mara and Shea spent most of the afternoon (after church, lunch and playing in the snow) planning out a "program" for the adults. For the Adults the afternoon consisted of cleaning, football, errands, making pizza and preparing for Shea's early 6th birthday celebration. Then after dessert (creme brulee- Shea asked for this specifically and chose it over a regular b-day cake) the girls put on their show. You will note that Asher decided he was feeling a little left out and tried to steal the show toward the end. Enjoy!

Oh, and i forgot to mention that this is day one of the Ballet. Aparently Mara explained (with some tears) that bedtime came too soon and that their program was NOT over yet. So, if the girls may see more of their ballet tomorrow!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

A Trip to Macy's

We made our annual trip to the Christmas display at Macy's in downtown Minneapolis. The theme this year was the Nutcracker. The last time Macy's used the Nutcracker as a theme for their display was 1973...when I was three years old and living in Seattle...and didn't even know what sub-zero winters were all about. Here is the video experience!

Asher really kicks it up!

Asher's Uncle Mike, Aunt Shawn and cousin Shea drove up from Milwaukee for a visit the day after Christmas. One of the fun toys for they brought for Asher is the setup that he kicks to activate. To our surprise (and his) Asher can really get that thing moving. Our little boy is getting to big, really fast! Check out the video below to see Asher in action!
Not pictured here (because it would be rude and our hands were full of stuff you don't want to get on a camera) was Asher's wakeup call this morning. It happened in the midst of a diaper change, and no, the pee-pee-tee-pee wouldn't help us here. Let's just say that we (and that means Maegan too) had ham and bean soup for dinner. Unfortunately, when un-diapered babies pass explosive gas, more than just gas comes flying out! Four hands, numerous wipes, an outfit change and many laughs later find Asher

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

This blogspot may in time actually be something that I update. For now I am simply using it to post some Christmas vids and pics for the rest of the family.


Here is Mara's second take opening her new High School Musical game for the Wii.

Oh, and Mara also is excited about her socks.

And for those of you who are basking in warmer climates, here is a little snow for Christmas.

That is all for now. Some pictures of the last few days will be up shortly.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Mara on Christmas Day

Here are some pictures of Mara on Christmas day. She is showing off her new red gloves!

More pictures

More pictures...

December Pictures

Here is the first bunch of pictures from December.