Sunday, December 30, 2007

Mara and Shea Ballet

Mara and Shea spent most of the afternoon (after church, lunch and playing in the snow) planning out a "program" for the adults. For the Adults the afternoon consisted of cleaning, football, errands, making pizza and preparing for Shea's early 6th birthday celebration. Then after dessert (creme brulee- Shea asked for this specifically and chose it over a regular b-day cake) the girls put on their show. You will note that Asher decided he was feeling a little left out and tried to steal the show toward the end. Enjoy!

Oh, and i forgot to mention that this is day one of the Ballet. Aparently Mara explained (with some tears) that bedtime came too soon and that their program was NOT over yet. So, if the girls may see more of their ballet tomorrow!

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